
The meaning behind Baa Baa Blacksheep.....

Baa Baa Black Sheep was written to go against taxes. In the middle ages, there would be an hard working peasant was required to give 1/3 of his income to the king ( which was "my master"). And then another third to a fat nobility ( which was " my dame"). And the final third was for himself ( which was " the little boy"). The term "black sheep" of the family derives form this too.


a.jones said...


JKRoberts said...

really i had no idea that it really ment that!!

k.kaufman said...

i never knew it meant this and nice colors

c.griggs said...

Nice... I had no idea about the meaning of the meaning behing this. Great detail.

c.vetato said...

i never knew it meant that but now i know and by the way i LOVE the page!

Unknown said...

Wow, I have never heard anything about those taxes! It sure would stink to be a peasant.

areed said...

I had no idea that it had anything to do with politics, or goverment. I just thought it was a plain old nursery ryhm.

Anonymous said...
